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On this page i will show you more pictures of lake station and tell you more about me growing up in East Gary Indiana

Lake Station Satellite Photo
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Here is a satellite view of lake station indiana

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Closer Satellite View of Downtown Area

The right photo is a much closer view of lake station showing the city water tower and the police & fire dept buildings and just below them is the city garage.This is at central & 51 our downtown area.I worked here in 1963 when my neighbor Loretta Moore got me a job for the town of East Gary.I worked with Charles Early & Will Hoover in the sanitation dept when i started .Across the intersection is the new walgreens but when i was a young man it was Meisters Drug Store owned by Leo Meister the mayor of East Gary in 1964.This was at the time a popular place for us to go after school or in the early evening to the soda fountain.

Joel Mock Park
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Lake Station Indiana

Meisters Drug Store
Oh yes what a  nicer more gentle time life better
51 & Central avenue East Gary Indiana

Here is a picture of Joel Mock Park at central & union st.I went to school with Joe and we worked on the ``J`` together in the summer of 1965 until we were drafted into the military.Im sad to say that my friend was killed in vietnam serving his country.

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Gazebo at Joel Mock Park

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This shot is of Joel Mock Park again faceing east.As time permits i will try to get a photograph of Mock Park in the evening with the turn of the century style lights,its simply beautifull.

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Here is a picture of the lake station indiana public works municiple building which houses the mayors office water works and city garage,etc

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Here is a closer view of the plaque at the memorial at city hall

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The sign at the central center looking south east towards central ave.When i was 10 in 1956 it was here but im not sure when it was built.Dutch Hayhurst used to be the manager until his death.

Below is a closer view of the central center sign

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To your right is a picture of the centeral center shopping center looking north east.Just to the left but not in view is where the old carwash was but it has since been torn down.

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This is a picture of my friend Bob Fuller`s store front after his death.It was Fullers TV & Marine.I knew Bob for over 40 years.

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New Lake Station Public Library
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Link To Library History

Lake Station Public Library just north of the central shopping center (2400 central ave).They are building a new one on central at grand bvd.The Lake Station branch opened on feb 1962 and closed on oct 2007.The new library was started in july 2006 and is done and open now.

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The picture to your right is of the city garage looking south west.Much improved since 1963 when i worked there,then all they had was a corrugated 1/2 round steel building behind  city hall and sometimes Charles Early & me would work half a day on the garbage truck on saturday.At the time i was 17/18 years old and lived about 2 blocks from city hall at 4001 central ave (central & spencer st)I worked with John Niloff,Charles Early,Bill Miller,Tim Wagner,Herb VanHorn,Willard Hoover Charley Ryan,Richard Hertaus & Dick Silverthorn.This was an apartment and i lived with my wife & child Jerilyn K. Triantafilos (nee Kosmatka),James A. Triantafilos above Dick & Nancy Silverthorn.

Above is the municiple building looking west

City Of Lake Station
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Mayors Office/Public Works Building

Lake Station
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Columbus Park

Above is Looking south  with clay street to the left and below is looking southwest.this area was the site for Columbus School for many years but it was torn down years ago so as to create this public park. 

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Website Created By N.P. Triantafilos 2004
updated 1-15-2014