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Above is a video of my radio equipment

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Another Kb9ygd Equipment Video

Above you will see a picture of my radio console showing my equipment.The hf amplifier is an Ameritron AL-80B bought new in 2002,the rotor is a Yaesu G-450A.For digital work i use the Yaesu FT-847 with MD-100ax microphone & SP-8 matching speaker & a Rigblaster and LDG AT-11MP autotuner with my Dell XPS-450.My main hf transceiver is at the bottom left of the picture and Icom 756 Pro 2 with the SP-20 speaker filter network.The main antenna tuner is an MFJ-989C.For 220 mhz i use an ADI AR-247 and a Cush Craft ARX220B antenna.I have a 6 element C.C. A4496S beam for 440 mhz.On 6 meters i have a C.C. AR-6.On 144 mhz the amp is a mirage B-2518-G with an MFJ 4035 power supply.I perfer to buy my equipment new as i have a lot less problems and can return it if its faulty etc.I enjoy working special event stations & contesting all modes.I use the Heil Pro-Set-Plus headset for contesting & AClog.


Here is yet another photo of me in ``THE SHACK``


Above is my 1st ham transmitter bought new in 1958.It was in kit form and i built it but somewhere over the years it got lost, but i sure would like to have it back and have thought about buying another one.


Here is my Yaesu FT-847 which i bought new in 2000.This radio has no equal when it comes to working the birds,crossbanding,etc.I use this tranceiver with a rigblaster for the digital modes,satilites,v/uhf,etc.I also have the MD-100ax desk mike and  the matching SP-8 speaker filter unit.


Here is a picture of my Yaesu FT-50RD/41B ht bought new in 2000.This is a very capable high end ht and has many excellent features.


Here is the tower up and with the mosley 5 element monobander at 59 feet.


Here is my Diamond X510MA for  144/440 mhz dual band antenna.This is at 40 feet with 75 feet of rg/8u coax.When i crossband i transmit and receive on this antenna at the same time.

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About Me & Amateur Radio

To the left is a picture of my amatuer radio station.Here is where i spend a lot of time ``working`` other amatuer radio (HAMS) around the world.I have a variety of equipment and antenna`s to get this job done well.On this page i will give you a breif history of me and amatuer radio and show you some pictures of my old and new equipment.I like to work digital modes such as sstv,rtty,psk,etc and love cw.Im of the opinion that if you dont do cw,keep a logbook and qsl 100% your not a ``REAL HAM``!You can find me on 3.955 lsb in the early evening sometimes and on 40 meters ssb & am in the daytime sometimes.I keep a close eye on 6 meters and whenever it opens you will find me there.Above all i like to work dx and cw and can be found on the bands that the action is taking place.


Above is one of my iambic double paddle keys which is a good performer.its the MFJ-564.

``Real Hams``  do cw!

Above is my bencher BY-1 which has a very heavy base and gold plated solid silver contacts.


Here is my Vibroplex code warrior jr,my favorite key.This is so smooth,efortless,the tension adjustment is magnetic there are no springs.

A little forethought go a long way
Left console coax switch`s etc


Here is my Globe CB-100,my first mobil,i got this in mid 1963 & had it in my mint mist green and cream 1957 chevy with a bumper mount 108 inch whip.Man i was in heaven it seemed life was good...


Here Is my globe Star the first cb base station radio i had.I bought it used in 1964.I did have it mobil for a time though.


Here I am in oct of 1968 putting up my spaulding 48 foot tower.I did this by myself!


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The above picture is of me taken in 2003 at the operating position at my amateur radio station.Its also one of the photos i used to make a homade qsl card


This picture was taken some   years ago and shows some of my older equipment including my Ameritron AL-811 that i bought served me well.


Above is a picture of my Hallicrafters model SX-110 receiver that Mom & Dad bought me new in 1957 or 58,i was 11 or 12 and was preparing to get my novice license and let me tell you i had a ball.There was no ssb then it was all AM and cw and i spent many many nights listening on this receiver and still have it to this day and use it also.


This is my main hf transceiver an Icom 756 pro 2.I bought this new in 2002 and what a fine piece of equipment it is.

My Band Expander...

ch 36 scumbags eat ur heart out...The Real Ham!

Here is my Cobra 2000GTL cb base station bought new in 1989.I just had this realighned and all about a year ago and it works very well.I have an amplified astatic D-104 on this radio.The antenna i use with this radio is a Solarcon A-99 ground plane with the gpk-1 radial kit installed at 25 feet.I have been a cber for 42 years and enjoy talking to people and old friends on cb still.I can be found on channels 37 & 38 lsb & 36 am sometimes.

Kenwood TH-F6A

Here is my Kenwood TH-F6A one of my favorite ht`s.It covers from below the BCB to 1300 mhz ALL MODE  with true dual receive,144,220,440.dual scan.I use this with my FT-847 to crossband  and with Echolink.It doesnt get any better than this!

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Website Created By N.P. Triantafilos 2004
updated 1-15-2014